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Laya, J. C., Sulaica, J., Teoh, C. P., Whitaker, F., Gabellone, T., Tucker, M., Tesch, P., Miller, B., Prince, K., and Izaguirre, I. (2018). Controls on Neogene carbonate facies and stratigraphic architecture of an isolated carbonate platform – the Caribbean island of Bonaire, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 94, p. 1-18 doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.03.031

In Preparation

Prince, K., Laya, J.C., Manche C., Zhan H., Budd D.A. (in prep). Current Pumping and Advection: A new dolomitization model. Sedimentology.

Prince, K., Laya, J. C., Betzler C., Lüdmann T., Miller B. (in prep). Sea level and current dominated diagenetic regimes of the western Kardiva Platform, Maldives. Journal of Sedimentary Research.

Prince, K., Laya, J.C., Gezovich, L., Belanger, C. (in prep). Determining bottom current strength and advection in a carbonate drift system. Marine Geology.

Widodo, R., Laya, J.C., Prince, K., Pei Teoh, C., Pope, M., Reece, R. (in revision). Origin of porosity and diagenetic evolution of Lower Miocene Carbonates, Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia. Sedimentary Geology.

Nalin, R., Ohaira, T., Prince, K., Nana Yobo, L. (in prep). Genesis of a widespread erosional surface on the continental shelf of Laurentia (upper Cambrian, Notch Peak Formation, Utah). Sedimentology

Conference Abstracts/Presentations


Prince K., Laya J.C., Betzler C., Eberli G., Zarikian C., Swart C., Reijmer J., (2018) Subaerial Exposure and Diagenesis of the Miocene Kardiva Platform, Maldives (Poster), Abstract 2857414 presented at 2018 Annual Convention and Exhibition, AAPG, Salt Lake City, Utah 20-23 May.  

Prince K., Laya J.C., Betzler C., Eberli G., Zarikian C., Swart C., Blättler C., Reolid J., Reijmer J., (2018) Isotopic Evidence for Platform Exposure and Diagenesis in the Miocene (Talk), presented at Texas A&M University Department of Geology and Geophysics Student Research Symposium, College Station, Texas, 22 March.


Prince K., Laya J.C., Betzler C., Eberli G., Zarikian C., Swart C., Blättler C., Reolid J., Reijmer J., (2017) Isotopic Evidence for Platform Exposure and Diagenesis in the Miocene: Implications for South-East Asian Platform Evolution, Abstract 292336 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana 11-15 Dec.

Laya J.C., Prince K., Betzler C., Eberli G., Zarikian C., Swart C., Blättler C., Reolid J., Reijmer J., (2017) Cement Distribution and Diagenetic Pathway of the Miocene Sediments on Kardiva Platform, Maldives, Abstract EP11D-01 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana 11-15 Dec.